
Friday, December 28, 2012

Big pain in the ......

The gentle descent of the snow, its glittering sparkles covering every surface of the beautiful outdoors, momentarily takes my mind off of my aches and pains.  Man, am I sore!  About not having a broken tailbone...I am rethinking that one.  It takes me about 30 seconds to stand up just from the pain in my backside.  There isn't anything anyone can do about it.  The doctor can't x-ray me being that I am pregnant. And I REFUSE any exam of my derriere.  I had one of those in 9th grade with my mother watching.  Nope.  That was the only and LAST time anyone would get the chance to examine my tailbone.  Yes, this doggone tailbone keeps biting me in the butt.  Twice in 9th grade I biffed it, landing directly on that little triangular bone at the end of my spine.  The doctor ordered a "donut" for me to carry with me to every class so that I may sit down.  How cool.  I only did that for one day.  The rest of my recovery was spent sitting on one bent leg or the other.  Just in case you have never seen a "donut".... It looks like a cushy, white toilet seat.  No flowers, no cool logos, or prints.  Now that you have the picture in your mind you can imagine how cool it is for a 9th grader to carry that everywhere.  Bet you want one now, don't you? 

Some years later, as I mentioned in an earlier post, my little tailbone, which is a big pain in the ...., was broken again while bringing my precious, and incredibly beautiful daughter into this world.  Plus my practitioner stitched me up in an unnecessary fashion which produced pain for years until my next baby was delivered.  So, for months, I felt decrepit, trying to sit down, get up, walk around, caring for a newborn baby while dealing with things you just don't talk about to other people.  I went to my practitioner once to be re-examined.  She said everything was fine.  I really didn't feel listened to, but hadn't learned that when it comes to doctors that gumption is highly useful.  Being 22 years old, what did I know?  And who could I talk to?  At that time in my life, I was unaware that talking to other women, and finding a support group was highly beneficial emotionally, mentally, and even physically.

But, where was I?  Oh yes, being hit by a truck....Well, that's what it feels like.  It is a day and a half since I scared my husband nearly to death by banging a beat down the stairs.  He opened the door to the stairway as I stood up on one of the last steps, asking me if I was ok.  My little four year old was there as well.  Both of them looking at me like I really had come back from the dead or that I was truly an alien descended from the starry sky.  Two pairs of eyes, wide open to match their mouths, stared at me incredulously.  I think they expected me to look more like a Picasso painting than the same nine-months pregnant woman that they knew before.  Yes, I was recognizable  I think that is why God makes a woman so puffy at the end of her pregnancy.  He knows how unsteady we are on our feet.  So, He built a ready made cushion by making her body retain extra water and fat to cushion the blows say, for instance, should she fall down a flight of stairs, or off of a curb, or bending over to tie her shoes....and of course to provide nourishment for her and the baby after the birth. 

Now, that I am nursing all my aches and pains from the fall I can't decide which would be better, to recover a little more from my bumps and bruises before birthing our girl into this world, or getting it over and done with so that I can recover from my bumps and bruises.  Most of the time now, I just pray, "God help me".

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