
Friday, February 26, 2010

The Greatest Nation...the Imagination

Hi Ron! I haven't heard from you in awhile...I figured you got buried underneath a bunch of snow. It is a big deal for Dallas to get hit with snow. So, what happens when it snows down there? Do the bad guys hunker down until the snow goes away, or do they act up even more than usual?

I think, Ron, that you would do great in the "American Siberia". You cops have to adapt and adjust to all kinds of situations.​ You could most definitely tackle a snow drift.

I can rememember the tea in Texas. Texans really love their tea. And really, it tastes so much better in Texas, too. Even if we did sun tea here, it wouldn't be the same. Minnesota doesn't have the kind of climate as Texas. Oven-like temperature​s are best for Texas tea.

So, you have to build a planter, huh? Well, think of it as an adventure....​You are on a deserted island. You have to build this planter in order to save your life because the only thing that will keep you alive is....tomat​oes. You know that if you can grow tomatoes you will have an endless supply of super energy, and be able to finally harness the tomatoes protective serum. You need that serum to ward off those horrible poisonous insects that are on the island. But, notice a beautiful stranger, a native of the island (your wife...but, this all imaginary, you know. She gets to play the beautiful native woman.) With the masterfully built planter and the super tomatoes, you will be able to befriend her, win her trust, and even... her love... Ron, if I were you, I would get busy building that planter. You know, you could get a bunch of Texas mosquitoes, buy a couple of palm trees down there, (go ahead and even get a few coconuts from the grocery store) and you could set up your "island" in the backyard. Texas surely is hot enough. I bet you could make your wife laugh. And you would have fun!

The imagination is the greastest nation in the world. I have a very vivid imagination.​ I can create all kinds of fun when I not busy griping and complaining and licking my wounds. When Jay was healthy we had a little weekend paper route called the Valley Shopper. CC and Jay often didn't want to do the route. There was always something else more fun to do. So, what I would do, is pretend we were secret agents smuggling Bibles and other messages to missionarie​s in foreign countries where we couldn't be seen. The papers were a disguise for our "messages" and "Bibles". We would run as fast as we could from house to house.

I would take them in our van. When they got back to the van, they were running to keep from being seen by the bad guys, I would keep the side door open. They would JUMP into the van. Sometimes, I would press on the gas just a little so that they would flop into their seats. They thought this was so much fun and kind of added to the game. When we would go to the next block they would have to shut the doors as quickly as possible and get seat belted and HANG ON. I didn't go fast but, it was the idea. We would pretend we had to get out of that "district" as fast as we could so that we wouldn't get caught. This imaginary game helped them get through a task that they didn't like. And they had tons of fun. Now, we have good memories to look back on.

Anna, I would love to have little tea party like you described! Including laughing until fake tea was coming out of my nose! Now, today is the real tea party. I am going to observe everyone to see if they really hold their pinkies out.​d I am going to intentional​ly hold my little pinky out, just to see if they notice. I know that they sometimes read my caringbridg​e updates. :-)

After chocolate, my imagination and sense of humor help me get through the tough times, the hard times. I use these coping mechanisms to not think about what I do not have.

Lent is upon us for those of you that observe Lent. My goal for Lent, no...I am NOT giving up chocolate...​is to find things to be thankful for. But, I want to take it up a notch. I usually gripe about this old house we live in. Actually, it is a beautiful, Victorian-s​tyle house (on the inside). It is roomy and has lots of potential. So, see there, this is what I mean. Instead of griping, and saying "thank You, God", I want to go a step further by listing as many good things about each thing I am thankful for. Also, for Lent, I am going to try to focus on healing...w​hatever kind of healing God wants to give. This means I will need to use a pry-bar to even let a little Light into my heart and soul. I kind of shut everything up tight since Jay died. I am not sure when that happened. I just know that it did. Jay crossing over to the Kingdom of Light really threw me for a loop as far as God is concerned. I didn't turn away from God. I just got confused, and angry. Very angry. So, there you have it. My public statement of my Lenten goals. Now, you all can keep me on my toes by asking me if I am sticking to them.

I send my love out to all of you...those reading this and those who have in the past. I hope you pass it on. Love is the easiest thing to donate and doesn't cost a dime. Love ya...


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